In case you don't follow my PluggedIn blog, I've made some changes over there. Instead of being a book-focused blog, which it was never intended to be, I've decided to stick to just reviews there. Hence why I named it "Desert Rose Reviews" to begin with.
I want to share far more reviews than just my book reviews though. I actually critique things in several areas, and want to be able to share them somewhere, and am excited to finally get DRR back to it's roots! I do love books though, and always have. So, I did create a new book-focused blog - Desert Rose Word Candy, and I'm so glad to have that space available as well!
So, what does that mean for the UnPlugged blog? Well, basically the same thing. It's still going to be unplugged reviews, of whatever I want. I've always had this blog set up that way, and I'm going to be expanding beyond book reviews here, as well.
I will be posting more reviews once October comes around, and I'm able to focus on them. The next few weeks are majorly booked for me - family reunion of sorts, and all that fun.
Be sure to check out my book blog though, if you want a book-focused blog, and check back here for new reviews soon!
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